Friday, August 5, 2016

Realm Makers 2016- Fantasy Friday

Last Thursday through Saturday (July 28-30) was the 2016 Realm Makers, which I was able to attend this year. For those who have never heard of Realm Makers, it is a conference held every year (this was the fifth anniversary) for Christian writers of speculative fiction. This year had 180+ attendees and will most likely have more next year. Keep reading to the end to see where it will be held next summer.

This year had Thomas Locke, or Davis Bunn to the non-speculative world, as keynote speaker. Previous keynoters have included Tosca Lee and Robert Liparulo, and this time around Locke shared the disciplines he has used to develop the writing career he has today. Other conference speakers shared on tropes, writing habits, ect.

My favorite classes were Patrick Carr's Character Tropes Within Fantasy and Kirk DouPonce's How to Make a Bad Book Cover. The prior was informative and the later hilarious. Patrick Carr even signed all four of his books for me!

I was able to meet some really great people this time around, including Nadine Brandes (author of a Time to Die) and my table mates at the Gala Awards dinner. Though I didn't take many pictures, I did bring back a few more books to read!

Gala Awards

Now, I'm not one to say that you have to go to a conference, because I know it can be daunting and stressful to plan for. But if you are interested in attending one, Realm Makers in a lot of fun. It is the only one of its kind in the Christian market and gets better every year. Not to mention, next year's keynote speaker is....

What the video for dates and location!


  1. I'm glad you had a great time at RM! It was so nice meeting you in person. :) And I hope to see you next year!

    1. It was nice to meet you too! And I hope I will be able to go next year, unfortunately Reno is farther than Villanova for me, so we will see.
