Monday, October 28, 2013

Writing Tip- Sequels

Now that I have finished the first book in the series, Souls of Thyne, as well as my short story for Five Glass Slippers, I need to work on the sequels. I have one for each, Lone Souls and then the tentatively titled Poet and the Politician (can you guess which fairy tale this is?).

While I am itching to write and begin these new stories, I am also having difficulty with how to start them. I know when they need to me started, who needs to be there, and where I want to go. But the opening eludes me.

Do any of you ever have that problem? So far I plan to brainstorm. Write down some ideas and see which has more promise. Hopefully, I will have the opening scenes written by next week and can share them with you :).

Since I do not have much of a tip for this, do any of you? Please share in the comments!

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